Moonfall, the picturesque community nestled in the mountains of Southern California, is a quaint hamlet of antique stores and craft shops run by the dedicated nuns of St. Gertrude’s Home for Girls. As autumn fills the air, the townspeople prepare for the festive Halloween Haunt, Moonfall’s most popular tourist attraction. Even a series of unsolved deaths over the years hasn’t dimmed Moonfall’s renown. Maybe because anyone who knew anything about them has disappeared.
Now, Sara Hawthorne returns to her hometown...and enters the hallowed halls of St. Gertrude’s where, twelve years before, another woman died a horrible death. In Sara’s old room, distant voices echo in the dark and the tormented cries of children shatter the moon-kissed night.
But that’s just the beginning. For Sara Hawthorne is about to uncover St. Gertrude’s hellish secret...a secret she’ll carry with her to the grave...
“Tamara Thorne has become one of those must-read horror writers.” –Horror World
Acclaim For Tamara Thorne’s Haunted
“...a wonderful, terrifying book...a worthy successor to The Shining and Ghost Story.”—Nancy Holder, New York Times bestselling author
“Don’t read it if you have something else to just might have to wait.” —After Hours
“Combines eerie eroticism with page-turning terror.” —Pasadena Weekly